Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing in the world. It originated in China some 3,500 years ago. It is performed by penetrating the skin with needles at certain points on the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating specific acupuncture points corrects imbalances in the flow of Qi (vital energy) through channels known as meridians.
Our Naturopath Dr. Diane Peters uses acupuncture when appropriate, having many years of training and experience.
Hair-thin sterilized, single-use acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin at or near meridian points to a depth of no more than a half-inch to an inch. Although this sounds uncomfortable, acupuncture treatments are most often very relaxing and involve minimal, if any, pain. Depending on your own personal issues, you may require a series of treatments. However, many people report that they feel much better even after one treatment.
Although needles seldom draw blood, if you have a tendency to bleed or bruise easily, are taking anti-coagulant medication or if you are a hemophiliac, acupuncture may not be for you.
Our Naturopath Dr. Diane Peters uses acupuncture when appropriate, having many years of training and experience.
Hair-thin sterilized, single-use acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin at or near meridian points to a depth of no more than a half-inch to an inch. Although this sounds uncomfortable, acupuncture treatments are most often very relaxing and involve minimal, if any, pain. Depending on your own personal issues, you may require a series of treatments. However, many people report that they feel much better even after one treatment.
Although needles seldom draw blood, if you have a tendency to bleed or bruise easily, are taking anti-coagulant medication or if you are a hemophiliac, acupuncture may not be for you.
Acupuncture can help treat:
- Addictions to alcohol, nicotine and other drugs
- Circulatory disorders (e.g. anaemia, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, hypertension)
- Digestive disorders (e.g. such as anorexia, chronic diarrhoea, constipation, food allergies, gastritis, indigestion, intestinal weakness, nausea following surgery, ulcers)
- Emotional & psychological disorders (e.g. anxiety, depression)
- Neuromusculoskeletal conditions (e.g. arthritis, back/neck/shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, migraines, tennis elbow)
- Respiratory disorders (e.g. allergies, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, neuralgia, sinusitis)
- Women's health issues (e.g. infertility, menopause symptoms, menstrual cramps)
Our Acupuncture provider
Dr. Diane Peters uses diverse treatment methods, including nutritional counselling, botanical medicine, lifestyle counselling and acupuncture. To learn more about Diane, click here.